This activity will support you in establishing the framework through which you will be able to determine the degree to which intended programme outcomes are achieved. It will guide you through the process of establishing intended goals, mapping the route to achieve them and setting indicators to measure progress through. This activity will also provide you with a set of baseline results from which to monitor any changes.
Theory of change
Revisit the project overview to develop a Theory of Change. Connect the project aim, objectives and activities with SDG indicators. Use the template to map change pathways by working backwards from the desired change and asking what needs to change for the desired outcome to occur.
Her City Theory of Change
M&E Framework
Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) is a system for cities’ to officially track local progress on the SDGs. They are an efficient way of aligning project outcomes and activities with global sustainability agendas and feeding into the city’s broader sustainability reporting. Explore the Action Oriented Voluntary Local Reviews Methodology from a gender perspective and the free generic online Voluntary Local Reviews Course to set up your M&E Framework.
Action Oriented Voluntary Local Reviews Methodology
Voluntary Local Reviews Course
Indicator selection
Select relevant SDG indicators that your project will contribute to. This is a great way of keeping track of how your project relates to the SDGs. The SDG indicator selection, baseline data, and eventually the progress of your project, can be shared with your city to feed into their VLR SDG reporting contributing to your country’s national reporting to the United Nations.
Gender-transformative SDG indicators
Create baseline
Collect available data on identified indicators. Make sure data is disaggregated at least by gender and age. Where you can, use multiple data sources to triangulate and validate evidence on the current situation. If the data for your selected indicators is currently unavailable you can undertake your own data gathering activities. This will likely involve community members to gather evidence, preferably engaged in Block 1. We suggest you collect SDG related baseline data simultaneously during the data collection in Block 2 and Block 3.
Action Oriented VLR Data Track Tool