This activity focuses on understanding how various scales interact, from regional dynamics to localized site conditions. By evaluating these layers, the project can identify strategic opportunities and ensure interventions are well-integrated within the larger urban fabric. It establishes a contextual foundation that bridges broader urban objectives with local needs and challenges.
Public space
Specify the geographical boundaries and the scales to be addressed (regional, city-wide, neighbourhood, or site-specific). Her City’s people-centred approach to urban development, initially led us to focus on the spaces closest to where you live – the public space. Since, we have expanded the methodology to address any scale for gender- transformative cities. If public space is still your preferred scale of action, proceed directly to Block 2.
BBB Playbook
Public Space Strategies
Neighbourhood planning
For neighbourhood planning, the My Neighbourhood framework provides a comprehensive checklist of urban design principles for various cultural and geographical contexts, ensuring an integrated approach across sectors and design scales. The My Neighbourhood methodology shifts focus from design to data analytics, consolidating spatial data and indicators to assess urban planning objectives.
MY Neighbourhood Framework
My Neighbourhood Methodology
City-scale planning
For the city-wide scale, you can explore the Our City Plan Toolbox. This participatory guide allows you to sort by different thematic areas helping to focus interventions around the priority areas of your programme and city.
Our City Plans Toolbox
Regional planning
For the regional scale, explore the framework for spatial development. This supports strategic decision-making for metropolitan, regional, subnational, national, and transnational governments, guiding where, what, why, and how to prioritize investments for the spatial implementation of development policies and strategies.
Spatial Development Framework (SDF)
Across scales planning
For a holistic urban development focus across scales, The Global Observatory of Sustainable Proximities brings together key urban actors to build a shared knowledge base, strengthen global capacity, and support cities in advancing proximity as a powerful accelerator for socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable urban development.
Sustainable Proximities Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology