Discover all Her City related publications

We have gathered all relevant Her City publications, media appearances and other related products in this section for you to discover the approach and experiences from the projects in detail.

Book – HerCity features in The Place Economy Volume 3

The Place Economy is a book series about the benefits of meaningful development, conceived, created and published by Hoyne.

HerCity is excited to be a part of this significant contribution to meaningful development of future cities!

To read more about the ebook visit HerCity’s Instagram here or find the book on Hoyne’s website and on Instagram:@hoynedesign

Interview – HerCity featured in Shanghai based “The Paper”

Elin Andersdotter Fabre and Tove Levonen from HerCity were interviewed by Shanghai-based The Paper as part of a large gender and cities feature around International Women’s Day 2023.

To read the article, click here.


At the occasion of CSW67 in March 2023 we have put together a film with testimonies’ from girls involved in  different Her City projects. Discover their stories here.

Publication – Her City 5 years’ impact story

This short publication shares the 5 years’ impact of Her City with impact numbers showcasing the users, activities and projects developed within the initiative. Download digital version here.

New Publication – Her City report: Cities for Girls, Cities for All

The publication Cities for Girls, Cities for All is the report from the Vinnova Innovation for Gender Equality Project implemented jointly by UN-Habitat and the Swedish independent think tank Global Utmaning. It show cases the results of the Her City toolbox as well as the implementation of our partnership projects worldwide. The report also provides guidelines for gender and intersectional sensitive participatory planning, design and implementation to support a variety of urban actors in building cities for all, together with girls and young women. Download here.

Research – Inclusiveness and Participation in the Design of Public Spaces: Her City and the Challenge of the Post-Pandemic Scenario

The COVID-19 pandemic made visible the need for greater participation of diverse communities in the planning of cities since it revealed exclusions based on gender, migratory status, and class. As a result, initiatives were launched that applied new technologies, digital platforms, and data-based intelligence to bring alternative solutions to the re-use and re-management of public space. The article can be download here.

New Edition – Her City: A guide for cities to sustainable and inclusive urban planning and design together with girls

Her City supports urban development from a girl’s perspective. We guide urban actors to implement projects through a step-by-step methodology providing an open and digitally accessible platform for all. We facilitate an ongoing dialogue between professionals and citizens. You can download the guide here.

Spanish Edition – Her City Guide: La Ciudad de Ellas

Her City supports urban development from a girl’s perspective. You can download the Spanish guide here.

Interview – Naomi Hoogervorst on Democratization of Design: “Equal Cities Need Equal Voices”

Many of us agree that design is still not considered for everyone. That is why we must ask ourselves what is truly democratic in the matters of design – in order to define our vision toward a more just society. From the perspective of architecture and urbanism, we can look at this democratization from different angles, including citizens in participatory processes, in order to find answers to our constant search to improve habitability and accessibility. The ArchDaily article can be viewed here.

Article – Her City: Digital Toolbox for Sustainable, Equal and Inclusive Cities

HerCity is a platform that involves women in urban development, in order to make better cities for everyone. Turning the tables and putting girls in the expert position, the digital toolbox aims to create more inclusive, equal, and sustainable cities and communities. The initiative makes methods and tools available to urban actors globally, in order to support cities in integrating girls’ participation in their long-term strategies. The article can be viewed here.

Tutorial – Her City in multiple languages

The “Let Her guide you” tutorial provides an introduction to the Her City Toolbox. The Her City toolbox was created to involve girls and young women in the planning, design and construction of tomorrow’s sustainable cities that work for everyone. In this tutorial, you get an overview of the process as each of the toolbox’s 9 unique building blocks are presented. The tutorial can be watched in Spanish, Swedish, Hindi, French and Italian can we watched here.

Podcast – Urbanistica Cities for People

Elin Fabre is back again to Urbanistica podcast and sharing the story of Her City toolbox. Listen to episode #123 if you want to know more about the background of this initiative. Listen to the podcast here.

Launch – Her City: A digital platform to support girls’ participation in urban planning

To mark International Women’s Day, the independent think tank Global Utmaning together with UN-Habitat, launched the Her City Toolbox, – an open-source digital platform that guides urban actors and decision makers in strengthening girls’ participation in urban planning and design processes. Download the guide here

Video – Her City Toolbox: From Botkyrka to Johannesburg

Her City short film was shown during Sweden Innovation Day 2021 as a good example of social innovation for inclusion. The short film can be watched here.

Presentation – About Her City

Involving girls in urban development will make the city better for everyone. Girls plan and design with diversity and different needs in mind. Participatory processes are key for planning a city that works for everyone. If we let citizens that are rarely heard be the experts, our cities and communities will become more inclusive, equal and sustainable. The presentation on Her City toolbox can be viewed here.

Tutorial – Her City Tutorial in English

The “Let Her guide you” tutorial provides an introduction to the Her City Toolbox. The Her City toolbox was created to involve girls and young women in the planning, design and construction of tomorrow’s sustainable cities that work for everyone. In this tutorial, you get an overview of the process as each of the toolbox’s 9 unique building blocks are presented. The english tutorial on Youtube can be watched here.

Training – Her City with multi-language subtitles

The purpose of the Her City training is to share the approach, the methodology and the digital tools. The training will provide a clear guidance on how to implement inclusive and sustainable cities together with girls. The training can be watched here.

Article – Stockholm +50: Looking Back at the 1972 Urban Event that Changed the World

Not all know that it all started there, in Stockholm, fifty years ago. The early summer sun welcomed us all day and night, the city looked like a precious black pearl reflected in blue waters, trams streamed effortlessly on the city’s old streets, sailboats and ferries floated happily from and to the countless islands where residents enjoyed their summer weekends, and an important global conference was on its way. It set the hopes of achieving a historical pact for a planet as a safe and healthy home for all of humanity. The full article can be read here.

Article – Her City in the Royal Town Planning Institute’s The Planner May issue

‘What is vital is to champion inclusive design guidance, based on information that takes into account the specific requirements of women and other groups that have been overlooked’ – Duncan Findlay. The full article can be read here.

Article – Ridisegnare il Futuro: Elle Decor Italia 

“Troppo spesso le città non funzionano per le ragazze. Sono luoghi non sicuri, sporchi, respingerli e inaccessibili”, è la statement di ‘Before’ disegno di  Lovisa Burfitt, in queste pagine, creato per il concept di empowerment delle giovani progettiste promosso da Un-Habitat con Global Utmaning e Vinnova. A questa illustrazione segue ‘After’, che mostra il cambiamento del paesaggio urbano in positivo, se si coinvolgono le donne. The full article can be read here.

Article – Her City: Hacer ciudades a la medida de las mujeres

ONU-Hábitat y Global Utmaning crearon una plataforma que incluye a las mujeres en planeación urbana. Si usted quisiera que una obra –un parque, un conjunto residencial o un proyecto a gran escala– estuviera pensada para las mujeres, podría descargar de manera gratuita en internet una caja de herramientas digitales que le ayudaría en su propósito. Se trata de Her City, uno de los últimos proyectos lanzados por ONU-Hábitat para impulsar el desarrollo de ciudades inclusivas y que comprendan la importancia del diseño urbano con enfoque de género. El artículo se puede ver aquí.

Training – Online Her City learning

The purpose of the Her City training is to share the approach, the methodology and the digital tools. The training will provide a clear guidance on how to implement inclusive and sustainable cities together with girls. The target audience are national, regional and local governments, urban professionals, decision makers, academia and grassroot organizations who want to promote and facilitate participatory planning processes for inclusive public spaces. The training can be watched here.

Broadcast – Här bygger ungdomar ett tryggare Fredriksdal via datorspel

Ungdomar i Helsingborg har fått möjligheten att påverka hur kommunen kan göra Fredriksdal tryggare och trevligare. Via ett datorspel har de byggt förslag på hur området kan bli säkrare. “Det är roligt att vi unga får engagera oss och att det inte bara är de äldre som gör allt, säger Filippa Birkner.” Se några av ungdomarnas förslag i klippet ovan. Artikeln kan ses här.

Article – UN-Habitat’s Her City toolbox empowers women to make significant improvements in urban development

One year ago, on 8 March 2021, UN-Habitat unveiled its Her City toolbox, which, with its embedded participatory processes, helps girls with diverse needs to plan and design cities that work for them, and everyone else. The toolbox is just another example of how UN-Habitat works to create solutions that allow closing the gender inequality while promoting opportunities for developing more sustainable urban environments. The article can be viewed here.

Report – Urban Challenges Handbook: Making Public Transport Safe for All

Shared experiences from a three-year collaboration of six multilateral projects. A collaborative project between representatives from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Sweden during 2019–2021. The aim was to create safer public transport with a focus on vulnerable communities. It was an initiative by the Swedish Institute in partnership with Impact Hub Stockholm and the Impact Hub Network in Latin America. The article can be viewed here and the Her City Flemingsberg case in Swedish here.

Article – Skapar framtidens stadsdel i Minecraft: ”Vill påverka”

En av de största utmaningarna som världen står inför – verkligt hållbara städer. Urban Girls Movement i Fittja vill bygga bort otrygghet och bygga in klimatsmarta lösningar. Nu ska satsningen exporteras. The article can be viewed here.

Video: Meet a Minecrafter: Urban Girls Movement

The Urban Girls Movement helps girls find improvements for their neighborhoods by building them in Minecraft before bringing them to life in the real world. Does that include Creepers? There’s only one way to find out! The article can be viewed here.

Podcast – Urbanistica Cities for People

Stories about cities for people. I am Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner based in Sweden). I interview people from all around the world and listen to their stories about how do we make cities for people. The article can be viewed here.

Podcast – Coffee Break with Urbana:  An Urban Girls Movement for planning in marginalized communities

We often read about marginalized communities in the global south, but there are also difficult communities in the global north. In today’s Coffeebreak with Urbana we talk to Elin Fabre of Global Utmanning to discuss an interesting approach to community planning in Sweden called the Urban Girls Movement where she works with young girls living in difficult communities. The article can be viewed here.

Article – What happens when girls take the lead in public space design?

Many of today’s public spaces are dominated by boys. So isn’t it time we gave girls the tools to redesign the city on their terms? We recently joined the Urban Girls Movement to explore just that. The article can be viewed here.

Article – Ett Annat Fittja tar form i Minecraft

‘Den springande punkten är ofta avsaknaden av platser att vara på och där många olika typer av personer kan uppehålla sig. Det är trygghet för dem, snarare än kanske kameror och poliser i första hand’. The article can be viewed here.


Article – Vem bestämmer över andras livsmiljö?

Personerna som ska leva i en stad borde också få vara med och utforma den. Så ser verkligheten inte ut men ju mer man tänker på det, desto mer självklart blir det att någon form av demokratisk process när det gäller stadsbyggnad borde göra en plats mer attraktiv, skapa en känsla av ägarskap och göra att fler grupper känner sig inkluderade i miljön. The article can be viewed here.


Broadcast – Urban Girls Botkyrka on the local news SVT Nyheter Stockholm.

“Planning cities for and by men has had unsustainable effects and increased segregation. We are testing to see what happens if we do it the opposite way”. The article can be viewed here.

Broadcast – Urban Girls in local radio P4

Vi är ditt sällskap på väg hem. Här hör du dagens viktigaste händelser, spännande gäster varvat med Stockholmstips inför kvällen. The article can be viewed here.

Article – Nu testas tjejers idé om feministiskt Fittja

Ett dåligt upplyst torg dominerat av män var utmaningen. När tjejer bjöds in i stadsplaneringen för Fittja centrum spände idéerna över takpooler och växthus. Nu testas en av lösningarna: en aktivitetskub. “Det gav mig hopp om att jag kan förändra något”, säger 19-åriga Moné Ukonu, som deltog i idéarbetet. The article can be viewed here.

Article – De vill förändra Fittja med feministisk stadsutveckling

Under ett års tid har en grupp tjejer tillsammans med arkitekter, stadsplanerare och forskare arbetat med feministisk stadsutveckling av Fittja torg och centrum. Den feministiska stadsutvecklingen handlar om mindre förslag som ny belysning, till större idéer om nya entréer och ytor. The article can be viewed here.

Article – Mötesplatser för unga läggs ner: Är det hållbart?

Stockholmsregionen växer och utvecklas. Regionen förväntas växa med ytterligare cirka en miljon invånare fram till år 2050. Fler människor måste dela på stadens utrymmen och resurser. Stockholms ytterområden – där de flesta bor och kommer att bo – förtätas och rustas upp. Hur bygger vi då ett hållbart Stockholm, ett samhälle där alla kan få plats, delta, trivas och må bra? The article can be viewed here.

Article – Tjejer visar vägen till ett hållbart samhälle

Tusentals unga världen över protesterar mot höjda tunnelbanepriser och privatiseringar av vattnet. Senaste året har inte minst tjejer visat att de vill se en annan utveckling, inte bara för klimatet utan även för samhället i stort. Det vi behöver göra är att följa, skriver representanter för FN, kommun, civilsamhälle, forskning, företag och medborgare. The article can be viewed here.

Website – Urban Girls Movement

Visit the online platform for the Urban Girls Botkyrka project. “Plan a city for girls, and it will work for everyone.” The article can be viewed here.

Article – Utforma städer så att flickor kan känna sig trygga

Tonårsflickor och unga kvinnor i storstäder är otrygga. En anledning är att många städer inte är utformade efter deras och många andras behov av trygg och välfungerande kollektivtrafik, säkra parker och gångvägar. I dag, på FN:s dag för världens städer, uppmärksammar vi den viktiga roll städerna spelar. The article can be viewed here.

Article – Vi kan nu presentera konkreta riktlinjer för en feministisk stadsplanering

Bygg staden för flickor och kvinnor och den fungerar för alla.  The article can be viewed here.

Article – Feministisk stadsutveckling får stöd av Vinnova

Arkitekterna Rebecca Rubin och Angelika Åkerman ska samarbeta med tankesmedjan Global Utmaning som sätter upp en hubb för feministisk stadsutveckling i Botkyrka. The article can be viewed here.

Website – SDGs in practice: Localizing the 2030 Agenda

Discover the new online platform “SDGs in practice” with global good practices of the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The article can be viewed here.

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